Here at Family Window, we're thrilled to announce the arrival of an innovative addition to our bedroom furniture collection: the Parisot Travel Double Bed. Crafted with ingenuity and elegance in mind, this bed is designed to maximise storage in and around itself, making it the perfect solution for smaller bedrooms or spaces where floor space is at a premium.

Stylish and Functional Design

The Parisot Travel Double Bed combines practicality with elegance, offering a sleek and sophisticated design that seamlessly blends into any bedroom decor. Its clever construction ensures that every inch of space is utilised effectively, providing ample storage options without compromising on style.

Ample Storage Solutions

One of the standout features of the Parisot Travel Double Bed is its abundance of storage options. On the left side of the bed, you'll find a full-length shelf, perfect for keeping bedtime essentials within easy reach. Additionally, an elevated shelf at the headboard end provides additional space for storage or display.

Ingenious Flip-Up Bed Design

But the real magic lies beneath the surface. With a simple flip-up mechanism, the Parisot Travel Double Bed reveals a hidden storage area, discreetly tucked away beneath the mattress base. This clever design feature offers access to two full-length shelves on each side, providing a total of 4 meters of storage space (41cm deep) for stowing away belongings.

Additional Storage Drawer

In addition to the generous shelving, the Parisot Travel Double Bed also features a large storage drawer on the right-hand side, ideal for storing bulkier items or bedding. Open storage compartments flank the drawer, offering even more space for organising belongings.

Optimise Floor Space

And let's not forget about the ample floor space available below the bed, perfect for storing larger items.

The Perfect Blend of Style and Functionality

With its sleek design and innovative storage solutions, the Parisot Travel Double Bed is the epitome of form meeting function. Whether you're looking to maximise space in a small bedroom or simply add a touch of elegance to your sleeping quarters, this bed is sure to impress.

Available Now

Don't miss out on the opportunity to transform your bedroom with the Parisot Travel Double Bed. Visit our website today to explore this stylish and practical addition to our furniture collection.

March 24, 2024 — James Taylor